Welfare System

Human resources and labor relations:
Complies with statutory norms: Labor Standards Act, Act of Gender Equality in Employment, Labor Insurance Act, National Health Insurance Act, Labor Pension Act, Regulations of the Labor Health Protection and Employee Welfare Fund Act.
Basic salary: Monthly salary system, better than the basic legal salary.
Bonus system:
●Year-end bonuses and performance bonuses are given according to the employee reward system based on the performance of the company. Employees with outstanding performance for the year will be awarded additional calculation standards.
●Employee dividends and employee stock options are provided according to the employee reward system based on the operating mechanism of the company. Employees with outstanding performance for the year will be awarded additional calculation standards.
Welfare measures: Gift money (products) for specific festivals, marriage and birth celebration subsidies, sickness and funeral condolences, annual employee travels, regular employee health checks, employee parking spaces, employee commercial group insurance, employee dinners and other measures.
Education training:
New employee training: Help new employees get familiar with the company environment, corporate culture, management policies and work skill training, etc.
On-the-job Training OJT: Supervisors and colleagues can receive professional functional training on various knowledge and skills required for work to train employees’ awareness of environmental security and protection, improve the employees’ professional capabilities and core competitiveness, and strengthen the complete training and further education channels for employees.
Retirement system:
6% of the insured salary is allocated every month and deposited into the employee pension account established by the Bureau of Labor Insurance in accordance with the new labor retirement system of the Labor Pension Act.
Labor-management communication:
● Regular labor-management meetings.
● Regular employee welfare committee meetings.
● Sexual harassment prevention and employee complaint mailbox.